Resources on Technical Writing

Topics Related to Technical Writing
Desktop Publishing Links Links for my desktop publishing class.
Writing for the Web Links Links for my Writing for the Web class.
EPSS InfoSite Site for Electronic Performance Support system examples and theory.
Information  Design Links to resources that can help you explore and practice meaningful and effective information design.
Tech Writing Tools Discussion about pros and cons of various software used for documentation.
XML (Extensible Markup Language)  XML The mission of this site is to help you discover XML and learn how this new Internet technology can solve real-world problems in information management and electronic commerce.
XML Cover Pages A comprehensive online reference work for the Extensible Markup Language (XML) and its parent, the Standard Generalized Markup Language (SGML).
XML-DOC site at Ggroups. XML-DOC is for technical writers, markup authors, XML developers, XML product vendors and systems integrators, and anyone else interested in discussing the application of XML tools and techniques to the creation of documentation, particularly documentation for computer software and hardware.
Associations and Groups
ACM SIGDOC Association for Computer Machinery Special Interest Group for DOCumentation. Members are from all technical and scientific disciplines, those who create documentation in the computing community and those who use of computers to create documentation in many styles and mediums.
ACM SIGLINK Association for Computer Machinery Special Interest Group for hypertext/hypermedia. SIGLINK is a forum for the promotion, dissemination, and exchange of ideas concerning hypertext research, technologies, and applications among scientists, systems designers, and end-users.
Alliance for Computers and Writing The Alliance seeks to coordinate the ideas and efforts individual teachers and researchers, academic institutions, and business entities (publishers, software vendors, etc.). It seeks to be a source of practical information about the effects of computer and information technology on education.
American Medical Writers' Association The American Medical Writers Association (AMWA), founded in 1940, is the leading professional organization for biomedical communicators. More than 4,000 communicators, representing 24 countries belong to AMWA.
American Society for Information Science (ASIS) ASIS counts among its membership some 4,000 information specialists from such fields as computer science, linguistics, management, librarianship, engineering, law, medicine, chemistry, and education; individuals who share a common interest in improving the ways society stores, retrieves, analyzes, manages, archives and disseminates information.
Association of British Science Writers The Association of British Science Writers (ABSW) exists to help those who write about science and technology and to improve the standard of science journalism in the UK. Its members include print and broadcast journalists, authors, scriptwriters and producers, and others active in the field of communicating science and technology.
Association of Teachers of Technical Writing (ATTW) The Association of Teachers of Technical Writing was established in 1973 to encourage dialogue among teachers of technical communication and to develop technical communication as a discipline. Its international membership includes over 1000 teachers and professional communicators.
Council for Programs in Technical and Scientific Communication (CPTSC) The primary purposes of the organization is to promote programs in technical and scientific communication, promote research in technical and scientific communication, develop opportunities for the exchange of ideas and information concerning programs, research, and career opportunities, assist in the development and evaluation of new programs in technical and scientific communication, and exchange information.
IDEAllliance A volunteer non-profit membership association, IDEAlliance, formerly the Graphic Communications Association (GCA), was formed in 1966 to apply computer technology to printing, publishing, and related industries. GCA developed and fosters the Standard Generalized Markup Language (SGML), from which the Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) is derived.
IEEE Professional Communication Society The Professional Communication Society (PCS) is one of the 37 technical groups of the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE). They enhance the core competency of communication in our membership by exploring the theory and application of all forms of communication technology.
International Interactive Communications Society (IICS) Since its founding in 1983, the IICS has dedicated itself to the advancement of interactive systems and the people who produce them. Members come from a wide variety of multimedia-related fields and applications.
Institute of Scientific and Technical Communicators (ISTC) The Institute of Scientific and Technical Communicators (ISTC) is the largest professional body in the UK for people engaged in scientific and technical communication.
National Association of Science Writers NASW aims to "foster the dissemination of accurate information regarding science through all media normally devoted to informing the public." Members include freelancers and employees of most of the major newspapers, wire services, magazines, and broadcast outlet, public information officers on science from government labs, universities and other institutions.
Office of Scientific and Technical Information The Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI) leads the Technical Information Management Program (TIMP) for the Department which provides direction and coordination for management and dissemination of scientific and technical information (STI) resulting from the DOE Research & Development programs as well as environmental programs.
Plain English Campaign Plain English Campaign is an independent UK-based organization that fights to stamp out all forms of gobbledygook - legalese, small print and bureaucratic language.
*Society for Technical Communication


STC is an individual membership organization dedicated to advancing the arts and sciences of technical communication - it is the largest organization of its type in the world. Its 20,000 members include technical writers, editors, graphic designers, videographers, and multimedia artists. 

Their journal Technical Communication is online. You can register as a guest to view articles over one-year old.

Special interest groups include the following: Consulting and Independent Contracting, Education and Research, Emerging Technologies, Environmental, Safety, and Health Communication, Indexing, Information Design, International Technical Communication, Lone Writer, Management, Marketing Communication, Multimedia, Online Information, Policies and Procedures, Quality, Scientific Communication, Usability, and Visual Communication.

TechComm Unmoderated TechComm Unmoderated is an unmoderated, uncensored list designed to foster
open and unrestricted personal expression amongst technical writers,
editors, and other technical communicators. 
*TECHWR-L The Official TECHWR-L, the Web site supporting the TECHWR-L listserv list. TECHWR-L is an unmoderated discussion forum for technical communication topics. Join the list and benefit from over 4400 subscribers' expertise, education, and experience. Read their archives, especially tips on writing resumes.
Usability Professionals' Association A forum to promote usability concepts and techniques worldwide.


General Resource Lists
Allyn & Bacon Tech Community A resource Web site for teachers, students, and practitioners of technical communication. You can find information to help you study, teach or practice technical communication.
Editing & Writing at NASA Lewis Research Center Includes Visual Information Exchange newsletter, grammar and usage advice, report writing guide, links to online style guides, and help with punctuation, capitalization, definitions, spelling and key words, writing style, or word choices.
Gary Conroy Formerly About's technical writing page. Contains articles, as well as links to a variety of resources organized by category, such as desktop publishing and electronic publishing.
HyText Haven For Technical Writers Tools, tips, tools, contracts, procedures, and tutorials for technical writers.
Internet Resources For Technical Communicators Links to Internet resources for technical writers.
John December's Technical Communication Information Sources John December's links to organizations, resource collections, teaching, topics, programs, and related information.
Masterpiece Media's Favorite Technical Writing Links Masterpiece Media's Links to resources for technical writers, including general resources and employment links.
Online Writing Center The University of Minnesota Department of Rhetoric virtual writing center for scientific and technical writing. Contains a chat room, skills center with grammar oracle, and other resources.
Resources for Technical Writers & Trainers This online magazine is designed to help technical writers, trainers, and courseware developers do their jobs better. It contains articles, tutorials, and other resources for technical communication and training.
Tech Comm Library The Tech Comm Library is a comprehensive TC web portal, built for students, professionals and enthusiasts of technical, professional and scientific communication. Their goal is to provide an access point to knowledge available online.
Technical Communication at Cal Poly Links to resources and a list of programs in technical communication around the country.
Technical Communicators Resource Site Created by Duncan Kent & Associates  as a comprehensive resource for writers of policy and procedure manuals, user guides and online help systems, and Web publications.
Tech Prof Resource for teachers and researchers in Technical and Professional Communication.
User-Friendly Manuals Links to organizations and an updated booklist for technical writing.
Voice of the Shuttle: Technology of Writing Links to communication, composition, multimedia, hypertext, and related sites.
Writer's Write Writer's Write specialty section for technical writing. Here you'll find links to technical writing jobs, resources for technical writers, technical information, a job list, and a technical writing message board.


Online Help
DJ's Help Page Links to resources on WinHelp, HTML, and HTML Help.
ehelp Home page of the makers of RoboHelp. An independent webzine providing the most comprehensive resource on the World Wide Web for Electronic Performance Support Systems (EPSS), Performance Centered Design, and Knowledge Management.
Help Master Large selection of WinHelp and HTML Help related files and hints.
HyperTexas Site for technical writers, Winhelp authors and Web developers looking for late-breaking news on tools and techniques. It also provides dates and details of John Daigle's Winhelp and Influent Technology Seminars for FrontPage . HyperTexas content is oriented toward authors rather than hard-core programmers. They have a good resource list of other WinHelp sites on the Web.
JC's Resources for WinHelp Authors List of tools, books, and Web sites for WinHelp.
Microsoft HTMLHelp Site Builder Network is Microsoft's one-stop resource for Web professionals, including programmers, designers, authors, and administrators. The Workshop library contains in-depth technical articles and downloadables. The online magazine contains feature articles and columns. There is also a gallery of free Web components.
Paul Arnote's WinHelp World A repository of Windows Help information and links.
Sageline Hypertext, HMTL Help, and WinHelp announcements, news, and general information.
The Windows Help Universe Site for Weisner Associates, Inc. (WAI) is a software consulting and development company. The Windows Help Universe is complete guide to online Windows Help resources, including articles, authoring tools, vendors, utilities, books, newsletters, downloads, and more.
WinHelp Repository Hard-to-find add-ons and utilities for WinHelp and HTML Help authors, clipart collections, tips and tricks, links to other WinHelp-related sites and more.
Winhlp-L Home Page Winhlp-L is a listserv discussion group for people who author Windows Help files and other hypertext files like MediaView and Multimedia Viewer. The site provides subscription information, as well as a message database and other sources of information.
WinWriters Conferences, Seminars, Publications, and Resources for WinHelp and HTML Help Developers


Eastgate Systems Site for Eastgate Systems, creators of Storyspace. The site contains a bibliography, as well as links to hypertext resources on the Web and examples.
HyperAct Site for HyperAct, Inc. Includes links to useful hypertext, hypermedia, HTML Help, and WinHelp resources.
Hypertext Places Useful WWW sites regarding hypertext, hypermedia, and the Web.
Jakob Nielsen Home page of Jakob Nielsen, the author of books and articles on hypertext and interface design., contains useful links to books and articles on hypertext and Web design.
Work Write Contains WinHelp and HTML Help news, design tips, reviews of authoring tools, and links to other resources for help authors.
WWWeb Hypertext Style Jerry Tutsch's document proposing and demonstrating hypertext structure and style conventions for WWWeb based hypertext documents.


Books, Journals, and Webzines
The Art of Electronic Publishing Online version of Sandy Ressler's book from Prentice-Hall.
The Craft of Scientific Writing Michael Alley's Web site containing exercises, tutorials, and resources for teachers and students.
Internet Technical Writing Online text for David McMurrey's course in technical writing.


Job Information
America's Job Bank Job database in a variety of fields.
Career Builder Job database in a variety of fields. Once you click a category like Technical Writing, has useful Resources links to salary and other career information.
dice High-tech jobs online.
employment 911 Searches over 350 major job sites and 3 million jobs. 
HeadHunter Job database in a variety of fields, mostly contract. Part of the ifor IT professionals.
L.L. Stamper Agent for technical writers and other specialties.
Monster Board Job database in a variety of fields, mostly contract.
NetTemps Job database in a variety of fields, mostly contract.
Resume & Portfolio Sites eResumes and Resources

Newbie Tech Writing Portfolios

*Society for Technical Communication Check JOBS DATABASE  link for both permanent and contract jobs around the country.

Check local STC chapter to subscribe to their job list.


www.Technical Job and employment resource for technical writers, editors, illustrators, publishers, videographers and more.


Adobe Site for information about PageMaker, Acrobat, and FrameMaker.

See Acrobat PDF for links to sample PDF files on the Web. One of the best starting points for links to every aspect of desktop publishing, including software, tutorials, and how-to information.


Dictionary of PC Hardware and Data Communication Terms This comprehensive dictionary provides complete descriptions of complex terms in two areas of computer development: personal computers and networks. It contains up-to-date information about everything from a common item like "batteries" to an obscure font technology called "Speedo."
Free Online Dictionary of Computing Includes over 13,000 computer terms.
Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary Allows you to search more than 160,000 entries in the Web's most up-to-date dictionary. It also contains the WWWebster Thesaurus.
Netdictionary An alphabetical reference guide to technical, cultural, and humorous terms related to the Internet.
NetLingo This online dictionary contains definitions of hundreds of words that are emerging as a new vocabulary surrounding the technology and community of the Internet and the World Wide Web.
OneLook Dictionaries Allows you to search or browse over 500 online dictionaries.
Roget's Thesaurus Allows you to search the headwords or full text of Roget's Thesaurus version 1.02 (supplemented: July 1991) released to the public domain by MICRA, Inc. and the Gutenberg Project. Internal cross references are represented as clickable hyper-text links.
TechEncyclopedia Contains over 10,000 definitions to computer terms and concepts.
UGeek Glossary Search Computer and Internet terms.
Webopedia Online dictionary and search engine  for computer and Internet technology. Dictionary of terms related to new technology, cyberculture, the Internet, HTML, graphic design, hardware, and software.


Style and Grammar Guides
The Curmudgeon's Stylebook Supplement to the AP style book.
Elements of Style The 1918 version by William Strunk.
Grammar and Style Notes An alphabetical, indexed list prepared by Jack Lynch at the University of Pennsylvania.
Guide to Grammar and Writing Online grammar rules, interactive quizzes, document samples.
Online English Grammar Online grammar handbook that allows you to find topics in a variety of ways.
Style Guide for Online Hypertext A discussion of hypertext style by Tim Berners-Lee, founder of the Web.
Wired Style An online style guide by the editors of Wired Magazine.
Yale C/AIM Web Style Guide Focuses on graphic design, user interface design, information design, and other principles resulting from projects conducted at the Yale Center for Advanced Instructional Media.


RexTechs Merchandise for technical writers.

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