Net This Phone!

If you are using a traditional phone to make international or STD calls, then you are so out of sync with times.  It’s time to grow up.  II mean, why pay money when you can do it for free!

Yeah, I know internet telephony has been around for donkeys’ years, but those have always been dogged with poor voice clarity.  Crackling noises, time lag and loss of voice packets have made our experience far from satisfactory.

But now with the advancements in internet telephone technology, the voice clarity has improved so much that you’d be forgiven if you thought it has an inbuilt dolby stereo system!!

In this edition of onliner dot com, we take a look at the top three picks in internet phones.  All of the three that I’m discussing below are free to download and use.  So, no excuses for not trying them out!


       This is my top pick.  Skype hits the bulls _eye when it come to excellent voice clarity.  It’s extremely simple ‘point – click –and –talk’ feature makes it a breeze to use.

Skype to Skype calls are free.  If you want to call a real phone, then it costs a small amount.  Calls to the US are at just 90 paisa minute.  Download Skype at

Http://www. skype. com

Yahoo Messenger Phone

It scores by the sheer size of its user base.  Most of our friends already have Yahoo! Messenger.  Now, all we need to do is click on a name and press call to start talking.  Yahoo! Has improved the voice performance in its latest version.  So make sure to download the latest version.

Yahoo! Messenger has a nifty choice of ring tones too, that you can set for your friends.

Download the latest version at

http://messenger. yahoo. com

Gizmo Project

     This one is so new that it still has the smell of fresh leather! Launched just last week, it’s already becoming popular.  It does everything that skype does.  And even more!

Gizmo project is built purely on open source technology, which means the source code is available for developer to build useful add-ons.

Gizmo offers free voicemail so your friends can leave a message when you are not online.  You can even have free voice conferences with your friends from different countries at the same time.  Oh! And did I mention that it’s all free?!

Download Gizmo from

http://www. Gizmoproject. com

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