Bhargava Adepalley, Jana Pillay and Naveen Valsakumar
In conversation with co-founders of Notion Press, one of India’s fastest growing publishing start-ups
What is it like to begin a start-up? Is it ok for friends to work together? How should you deal with disagreements in a way that doesn’t affect your work?
This week’s podcast is all about start-ups and entrepreneurship, where we speak to the co-founders of one of India’s fastest growing publishing start-ups, Notion Press. Naveen Valsakumar, Bhargava Adepalley and Jana Pillay tell the story of their company that started a little over four years ago. Today, they have grown to over 50,000 members, have distribution in over 100 countries and have closed $1 million in their first round of funding last month.
The focus of the podcast is in understanding how three school friends bonded well and not only founded a company, but also stuck with each other to build a successful publishing firm. This podcast is a must-listen if you are into start-ups and entrepreneurship.