‘I believe India’s challenges can be met by technological leapfrogging’

In conversation with the multi-talented Nandan Nilekani, who co-founded Infosys, created Aadhaar

Co-founder of an IT behemoth, creator of the Unique Identity (UID) Aadhar in India, an author and an investor — there are many hats that Nandan Nilekani wears with panache! How does he still manage to be so active and enthusiastic? “Well, I continue to be excited by seeing what’s happening in the world, in technology. I’m a big believer that India’s challenges can be met by technological leapfrogging,” he says.

Being a serial investor — he has invested in 12 start-ups so far — he says the one thing he looks for in a prospective company is the people. “I always look for a great team. For me, people are the most important. Then, of course, the idea and business plan, and the desire to build a company. I look for those who want to change an industry and a sector.”

One interesting factoid about him is that he owns a house in Coonoor that once belonged to the grandparents of the father of computing, Alan Turing!

Listen to the podcast, where he talks about all this and more.


Source : http://www.bloncampus.com/hangout-at-bloc/movers-and-shakers/i-believe-indias-challenges-can-be-met-by-technological-leapfrogging/article9716070.ece

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