A different kettle of fish!

Shan Kadavil, an ex India head of Zynga, India, quit the company to start a website that sells meat

magine you’re the Country Manager of the largest social gaming company on the web. Zynga is a well known name, for coming up with games like Mafia Wars and Farmville. Then, suddenly, you quit and start a company that sells fish and meat! That’s what Shan Kadavil did.

“Fresh to home is an e-commerce venture, that sources food directly from livestock farmers and fishermen. We provide chemical-free food to consumers,” he proclaims.

But how did someone with no background in handling perishable items, make such a successful company that received investment from people like Mark Pincus (Chairman and founder of Zynga who was also an initial investor for Facebook) and David Krane (CEO of Google ventures)?

Read on to know how, in the latest podcast.

Source : http://www.bloncampus.com/hangout-at-bloc/movers-and-shakers/a-different-kettle-of-fish/article9415736.ece

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