During our ‘Deep Work’ Workshop, one of the participants mentioned that she found the FOREST app useful. I made a note of it. I was looking for an app that combines both the [...]
One of the better decisions that I have taken is to make my business trips to other cities be worth it. Usually, I fly in the morning, finish my meeting or my talk and fly out that night. [...]
I was very surprised to find a 50% discount on the Classic Levi’s 501 jeans. It was an amazing deal and picked up four of them. Decided to try one at the ‘Trial Room’ and [...]
I have recently started using Scrivener as my writing tool. I have found this useful over MS Word especially for organizing my thoughts. However, am a newbie and just started to scratch around. [...]
Great insights into how to conduct a great workshop. Very useful tips if you are an organizer. http://t.co/LMRUBvHeIE Original Article: Workshops are hopeful things. They’re sold on so much [...]