Here are the list of item that I would like to add to my collection. If you find a place which has any of these items, I would be grateful if you can let me know. I can be reached at +91.9841597744 or at Kiruba @
- A vintage car. I have a particular fondness for an early model of Moris Minor.
- A nice old sofa. and Old chairs.
- A grandfather clock. Tall one with big pendulum.
- An old writing table
- Old Lamps. Different types of old lamps.
- Chandelier
- Brass or wooden faces
- Deer Antlers
- Small tea table
- Very old newspaper
- Old colonial bungalow pictures
- A Tram bell.
- Brass pot holder.
- Door knockers
- Door handles
- Old big locks
- Really big keys that can be hanged on the wall
- Small brass bells to be fixed on doors.
- Old switches
- Old fan regulators
- Old fans
- Very tall lamp shades (must have an antique feel to it)
- old signboards
- old typewriter, sewing machine
- Old telephones
- Old table fan
- A full length piano
- Old lorry horn
- Daggers and swords
- Grandfather canes
- Printing press plates
- Brass window curtain hangers
- A big candle stand to be kept in the middle of the dining table.
- A bullock cart
- A horse carriage
- Mumbai Dabbawallah pushcart
- Calcutta Hand Drawn Rickshaw
- Dhaka cycle rickshaw
- Big old car lamps