Enhancing the user experience has been one of the primary objectives for a bunch us. We knew that practically anybody could design a website but only few have the ability to design a website that is simple, yet effective, easy to navigate and uses minimal clicks. We aspire to be one of that few. Thus was born NetUsability , a place where we can collect all the knowledge on Usability and put them in one place for others to share and benefit.
When we started off with this, we realised that there were many who had similar interests and aspirations. And by default, this group got christened the Usability Professionals Group, a non-for-profit body that helps people with interest to learn by sharing ideas on Usability. This ain’t a movement or a preaching body. It’s more to help ourselves improve our skills and thus our career.
I encourage you to visit www.NetUsability.org to find many useful information. It probably has the best collection of links related to Usability, a result of almost a month of searching and collating links from the Net.
If you are the writing-inclined, then we encourage you to word your thoughts on usability and send it to us. If it’s good, we’d be happy to publish this on the site along with your photo and profile.
Also, if you come across a useful writeup or website which contains useful information, we encourage you to pass it on to us and we’ll have them added up to the collection. Afterall, it’s a team effort.
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