In Entrepreneurship, Expert Talk, General, Speaking, Teaching

I first started teaching as a visiting faculty at College of Engineering, Guindy at Anna University in 2001.  That stint still continues.  Today, the University approached me to conduct a 4 month course on ‘Entrepreneurship and Media Management‘ for the final year students of M.Sc Electronic Media from the Department of Media Studies.

It’s the longest engagement that I had committed to the University. Never before have I taken a course for 4 months. Most of my previous engagements were guest lectures, the longest lasting  a week.

At first, I hesitated. It was too heavy a commitment.  Teaching, never is and never will be, a good paying proposition. At best, its a distraction from my professional work. Something that’s best avoided.

But then, I have an emotional connection with Dept of Media Studies. I have been associated with them for 10 years and stuck a strong rapport with the professors and faculty. Some of the faculty members right now are my old students.   Besides, the smartest students from the class every year intern at my place and it has been a very mutual relationship. I had to give back to the department in my own way and what better way than sharing your knowledge.

I said yes.  But on the condition that I will invite experts who I feel are the best in the field to join with me in teaching. This is not something that other teachers do. But I was clear. Only professionals in a particular area should teach a particular subject.  The university accepted my proposal. So, as I proceed to teach in the next 16 weeks, I will look up for professionals and interested folks who enjoy teaching to invite to the university.

Take a look at the course outline below. If any of these falls in your area of expertise and interest, please let me know.  We should certainly talk.


Entrepreneurship concept
Entrepreneurship as career
Personality Characteristics of Successful Entrepreneur
Knowledge and Skills required as an Entrepreneur.


Business Environment
Role of Family and Society
Entrepreneurship Development Training
Other Support Organizational Services
Centre and State Government Industrial Policies and Regulations
International Business
Proposal Writing
How to raise funding.

Feasibility Study
Project Profile Preparation
Evaluation Criteria


Starting a ..
Newspaper/Magazine/Online Journal
FM Radio
Community Radio
TV Channels
Production House
Setting up Studios
Professional Photographer
Cinema Pre-production
Production, Publicity and Distribution


Advertising Agency
Idea Concept
Media Planning
Identifying the problem
Target Audience
Visual and Copy
Timing and Duration
INS Accreditation
Intellectual Property Rights

As you can see, there are many areas that are far beyond my capability level. There are many who are professionals in these areas and it really makes sense for the students to learn from the right professional.

The problem with the current study system is that the academic staff with almost zero work experience teach these subjects. You can’t blame them either. That’s the way the system exists.  Here is where I see us contributing the most.  We can make a difference by identifying the right professional for the right subject and connect them with the students. I truly want to make this count.

The course starts from July 1st week. Every Tuesday Afternoons from 1:30 pm to 4:30pm. A guest lecture can last anywhere from half hour to 3 hours. Quite flexible.

So, if you love teaching and if any of these areas are your passion, I would love to connect up. Am available at 098415 97744 and Kiruba(@)