In General

If there is one event that I’m eagerly looking forward to, it has to be TED India. Quite excited. I ask myself what is it that makes the event so exciting and the answer clearly lies in the people attending the event.

One look at the TED India Fellows list will give you an idea. They are not just people with ideas but with the tenacity to turn their ideas into reality.

I found the TED India Fellows page a bit limiting. Other than the brief two line profile of each, there wasn’t much about them. And so, a plan was drawn to get to know them better.

Here’s how the project works.

1. Select 25 fellows from the full list of 103.
2. Select 5 bloggers who will be the interviewers.
3. Assign 5 fellows to each blogger.
4. The bloggers would then make a questionnaire and send it to their respective fellows.
5. Once the fellows get back with the answers, they will get published on their blogs, on TEDx websites and linked to from Twitter and Facbook.
6. The idea is to publish one interview each day in the run up to TED India at Mysore.

TED India team has been very supportive and have promised full support for the project.

If you are interested in being part of this project, please mail me at Kiruba(@) Feel free to call me at 098415 97744 should you need more information.