Image: Pocu
On the 1st weekend of October, we have our college reunion. We are meeting after 14 long years. (gosh, I’m old!). I’ve self appointed myself as the official bartender. We are meeting in Pondicherry and you can be sure that alcohol will have very high priority.
I’m taking my role of bartender very seriously and looking for tips for the most exotic cocktails. I have a couple of books on cocktails and have covered the most popular ones a la bloody Marys, cosmopolitans, Sex on the beaches etc.
What I’m looking for is for exotic, custom made, self-created recipes. Like this one from Kanchuki and Kongkona sarma who gave me tips about injecting multiple doses of vodka into ripe watermelons and then chopping them up for munching.
Or the popular Pani Puris with Vodka water.
How about chopping off the top of tender coconut, adding in 3 drops of honey, a pinch of Jaljira and 90ml vodka. And drink it right off the coconut!
What other ideas have you got? Love to hear from you guys.
You can either leave the ideas in the comments below or email me at . I will collate every idea on the blog so that all of us can benefit.
Fire away.